Pemberley’s Big Break


Team Ghost Crew

Actor: Abby Rogers, Teal Briner

Sound Design: Abby Rogers, Teal Briner

Director: Abby Rogers, Teal Briner

Writer: Abby Rogers, Teal Briner

Producer: Abby Rogers, Teal Briner

Original Foley: Teal Briner

Sound effects and music obtained from


Aspiring journalist Pemberly Pennington interviews the aloof detective Lois Charcutier.


  • Horror-comedy
  • LGBTQIA+ – Creator
  • Marginalized Gender Identity – Creator
  • Disabled/neurodivergent – Creator
  • Marginalized Gender Identity – Character


  • Mention of death
  • Murder
  • Abuse
  • Vehicular accidents
  • Profanity

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