The Teeth Thief


Team Babel Babbles

Actor: Orianne Barbaux, Hugo Béquet–Garcia, Julie Legrand, Cyprille-Anne Liger, Abel Duflo

Sound Design: Abel Duflo, Julie Legrand, Orianne Barbaux, Cyprille-Anne Liger, Hugo Béquet–Garcia

Director: Cyprille-Anne Liger, Orianne Barbaux

Writer: Hugo Béquet–Garcia, Julie Legrand, Cyprille-Anne Liger, Orianne Barbaux

Composer: Orianne Barbaux, Hugo Béquet–Garcia

Producer: Cyprille-Anne Liger


In France and in other countries, it is a tradition to put a tooth a child just lost under their pillow, for La Petite Souris, the little mouse, to come get it in exchange for a coin. How could it turn out bad? Bonne écoute!


  • Horror-fantasy
  • LGBTQIA+ – Creator
  • Marginalized Gender Identity – Creator
  • Disabled/neurodivergent – Creator



  • Mention of blood
  • Rodents
  • Loud sounds
  • Profanities
  • Torture
  • Pain
  • Screams

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